Side Effect

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Re: Side Effect

by kittyfritters » Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:18 am


If you fly it outdoors be sure to have your name and phone number on it. Does that answer your question?


Re: Side Effect

by staubkorb » Mon May 30, 2022 5:05 pm

That "Skinny Bomber" really flies nicely and has a very nice slow glide! Wonder how it would do outdoors...

Re: Side Effect

by kittyfritters » Fri May 20, 2022 1:20 am

The name that the twin-tailed one got is Skinny Bomber. The kit is available at my web site

Here is a video,


Re: Side Effect

by kittyfritters » Thu Dec 30, 2021 12:17 am

I flew the second and third designs at the O.F.F.C. ROG Unlimited contest this morning. I didn't have my revised Side Effect there since I had not finished covering the wing. While they were not competitive against indoor models half their weight (I finished 6th.) I was able to make them to turn inside the room and get consistent 50 second plus flights.

Flown the way they are intended, as outdoor models for newbies, people who have difficulty building with 1/16" sticks and just plain fun flying, they fly very well. I will have all three of them, plus Dave Gee's Climber on my web site in a couple of soon as I can decide what to name the ones I flew today. (Note: Dave Gee will be posting a video of the twin tailed one where I didn't quite get it to turn in the room. He called it "The Flight That Will Live In Infamy.")


Re: Side Effect

by staubkorb » Sun Dec 19, 2021 4:15 pm

I feel that all three should be offered. Diversity is always nice, allowing the targeted market to make a choice. My personal fav is the Climber. It shares a Cloud Trampish layout (my favorite sport/general flyer), and looks to potentially be a much better performer.

Re: Side Effect

by kittyfritters » Sun Dec 19, 2021 6:10 am

Here is the third design to come from the discussion between myself and Dave Gee. The working name of this one is Ascender but Dave thinks I should name it after something sharp. I've drawn a printed skins similar to the one that I did for the Side Effect. It flies as expected the only trim required was a slight increase in wing incidence.
Ascender_Smaller.jpg (221.56 KiB) Viewed 11290 times
Dave's design is called the Climber and is very much 1930's nostalgia.
Climber flight.jpg
Climber flight.jpg (192.43 KiB) Viewed 11290 times
All of these models have an 18" (45.72 cm) wing span. Now the problem is which one to release, or all of them?


Re: Side Effect

by kittyfritters » Thu Dec 09, 2021 2:05 am

Here is another result of the discussion of new postal contest models that I had with Dave Gee. The working name of this is Meow.
Meow_1_Smaller.jpg (180.13 KiB) Viewed 11748 times
The first flights were indoor at Stonehurst. Once I had established the turn for the room (53 feet wide) and found out how much rubber it needed to get near the ceiling (20 feet) but stay away from the lights it was giving consistent 40 second, ROG, flights with stability as if on rails. Outdoor testing this weekend at which time I will have the third design resulting from the discussion to test also. At least one of them and maybe all three will make it into kit.


Re: Side Effect

by kittyfritters » Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:10 am

Not quite finished with the development yet. Will be on my web site in December along with some other "postal contest" models in the works.


Re: Side Effect

by Balsa-naut » Tue Nov 09, 2021 12:37 am

I've been checking the site for the Side Effect listing. Looks to be an easy build with the laser cut parts.

Re: Side Effect

by staubkorb » Sun Oct 31, 2021 5:33 pm

That is one cute model! Too bad shipping is so high, or I'd grab a bunch to put on my table at the local model markets (flea-market in name only) when they again start up. I'd probably have to pay Customs also.
